Thursday, January 24, 2008

addicts... social problems... responsibilities...

The post on Muktangan made me reproduce more and more.. as if the prolonged block on brain was lifted and thoughts regained flow... A wonderful re-recognition of self or something of that sort if this sounds disproportionately great and does not suit my character :-)

Muktangan exposed me to a world of pains and problems. There, life presented itself as a Pandora's box, recently opened, with sorrows and agonies flying high in air. There, life appeared a continuous process of failure to cope up, search of escapes, mistakes, attempt to correct those, temporary phase of correction and again relapse!!! With relapse rate as high as 80% Muktangan is well known as one of the best de-addiction centers in the country... That is the magnitude of the problem named addiction! Appears quite common, I could see atleast one alcoholic in whole day even if I lingered in my balcony for a hour total in a day! And I'd never seen druggists, iv drug abusers till then. And I did not know that habit forming drugs could be any damn drug- even a routine cough syrup- i'd heard it but i could never believe till I saw the abuser at Muktangan!!

State of mind always fluctuated there. One moment I would curse the person for causing so many financial and emotional troubles to the family and children, creating new set of troubles, worse than the present.

Next moment I would pray for keeping me at distance from the sufferings he's going through...

This now reminds me of a historical fact- Winston Churchill's Parliament speeches provided constant encouragement to British army during 2nd World War and most of those were filled with intense criticism against Nazis. The same leader, unique due to his strength, intellect and courage, in the cluster of politically miserable France, cruel Soviet Russia with entirely different set of interests and distant and thus safe America, commented in the Parliament once that if Britain had been devastated in the similar way after first world war, another Hitler would be the necessity of time to pull the national pride and economy up!!
Ironically, systems create more than half of the problems which people face in personal lives. It may not be the immediate system. It usually comprises of a set social norms, economy, and culture. Poverty line is decided by economy. Level of education which a person can achieve depends on economy. Level of expenditure depends on social norms and culture to greater extent. We, as a part of the entire system around, are equally responsible though indirectly! half of the addicts are created by system with which they can't cope up. of course, it is not that simple- way in which they brought up is also important and so are many other factors- but everything finally narrows down to the level of education themselves, parents and neighborhood achieve and socio economic ability of that class to achieve that level!
Thus system creates problem-people and then system curses them, outcasts etc and then a part of system struggles to correct these problems!!
I imagine the losses involved in the entire process- both economical and emotional, I see the young generation in such houses which is deprived of so many good things right from facilities till value implantation, and I realize that there are many such houses around... The fact is disturbing!

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